I Love {Moulthrop Studios} + A Winner

Okay, so the first title I put on this post was I Love {Matt Moulthrop}.  But seeing as he’s the husband to bestie blonde Amanda, that seemed just plain weird.

Anyhoo… our dear and quirky friend Matt is a third generation wood turner.  He hails from a legacy of immensely talented Atlanta artists (his grandfather is recognized as the father of modern wood turning), and Moulthrop pieces can be found in renowned galleries, museums and private collections all over the world. Last year, Matt’s turned-wood vessels joined those of his father and grandfather in the permanent art collection of the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.


Even the family’s coffee table book is gorgeous – Moulthrop – A Legacy in Wood.  Matt gave us a signed copy after helping him out in a pinch with his Smithsonian photo shoot.

July 2013 138 copy

July 2013 139 copy copy

This guy is so humble, that when we were first forging a friendship, he said that he “worked with wood for a living”.  Honey and I love to support our friends, so I immediately launch into a monologue about how he should “totally get a table at the Jonquil Festival in Smyrna” to peddle his wares.  He graciously smiled and thanked me for the suggestion.  Fast forward about six months and he invited us to a gallery showing in Buckhead (which I was beyond excited about.)  On the way there, Honey and I had a very serious conversation about how we should purchase at least something small to show our support for Matt and decided that $50 would be our max.  bwahahahahaha.  If only I’d had the foresight to Google him.  These guys are masters of their trade and their work is simply stunning.  I mean, I was hanging with blonde Amanda one day when the lead singer of a very well known band called to inquire about the next piece for his collection.  Oh, and another day the prince of some small country called.  Helloooooo…. I’m lucky if I get one call per day that isn’t trying to cut down my trees or consolidate the debt of various people that I’ve never in my life heard of and certainly don’t reside at my number.


I can hardly believe that it’s July and I never shared what Honey got me for Christmas last year… my very own, very beautiful, very special Matt Moulthrop bowl.  When we lost the big oak original to our property last year, Honey commissioned the vessel. 

July 2013 134 copy

July 2013 101 copy

July 2013 136 copy

Matt has been quoted as saying “each tree has a story to tell.”  My bowl tells the story of a well loved home, a young family making it their own, and a dear, dear friend that put his heart into the piece.  And I just adore that.


PS. The winner of the HKL Designs monogrammed spiker and koozie is…

Natalie Leatherbury said…
I recently discovered your blog and am really enjoying it! I shared the keychain, but I also love the tumblers and car decals! So many cute items!

Congrats!  Send me an email and I’ll hook you up with Tricia!!

Find me at: My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia, Savvy Southern Style, DIY by Design, Tatertots and Jello, A Stroll Through Life, French Country Cottage, No Minimalist Here, The36th Avenue, It’s Overflowing, Shine on Fridays, DIY Show Off, House of Hepworth, 52 Mantels, I Heart Nap Time, The Frugal Girls,Six Sisters Stuff, One Project Closer, Jennifer Rizzo, Le Chateau des Fleurs, Common Ground, Liz Marie Blog, Not Just a Housewife, Miss Mustard Seed, Sugar Bee Crafts, Elizabeth and Co, Rain on a Tin Roof, Coastal Charm, Uncommon Designs, Mop It Up Monday, The Tablescaper, A Lived In Home, Monday Funday, The Scoop at Cedar Hill Ranch, Remodelaholic, Evolution of Style

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12 thoughts on “I Love {Moulthrop Studios} + A Winner

  1. What a sweet husband you have!! I have wanted a hand made dough bowl for years but everyone I find that I like is a bit too pricy for me. Love how you were going to spend $50!! I had to chuckle.

  2. What a sweet thing for your husband to do! That took planning and thought! It is beautiful and I love that it is a part of your history!

  3. Amanda,
    I can see why you would title the post it's original title! That you have your very own piece by an artist of that caliber is something very special indeed, and to be friends with him to boot!
    Thanks for sharing; you know how to spin a tale!

  4. I loved this post……
    ….especially how you spun the tale to the grand finale! (and it is all true, I know. No literary license needed!)

  5. I surely hope that blonde Amanda (I adore her descriptive name)and Matt have a child to continue the family's art. The Smithsonian? That's a really big deal!!! What a very special gift that Honey of yours gave you. Well, that and those two adorable boys of yours.

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