Looking Ahead

2014 is bound to be great.  John will receive his first communion.  Whit will start Kindergarten.  I will celebrate my 20th high school reunion.  Honey is taking golf back up.  And we’ve got some fantastic family trips planned.  We’re healthy and hope to get healthier, and we’re happy and plan to stay that way.

While I’m not one to fiddle with making resolutions, I am a seasoned and quite prolific list maker (some might call those two one and the same.) Honey and I usually start every year with little list of things we’d like to do over the course of the next twelve months.  Here’s what’s on tap for 2014…

The Family
1. Have two date nights every week.  That’s right ladies, we said every week.  We hope to go out once a month, but twice a week we’re unplugging and going to have good old fashioned card playing, star gazing, fire sittin’ quality time together after the littles have drifted off to never never land.

2. Make time for our oldest friends.  We have been so blessed to make new friends at every turn over the years since college.  But, in that time, we’ve accidently let some of our closest and oldest friendships slip through the cracks.  We live farther away from each other, we all have a houseful of littles, etc. etc. etc.  We are going to be more deliberate and more purposeful about making time for the guys and gals that have been there for the last twenty, and in some cases thirty, years. 

2003 905
 Amanda 30th Birthday 089    2003 868

3. Get serious again about expectations and allowances around here.

August 2011 366

4. Stick to our budget.  This year we were purposeful and realistic and 2014 is going to be the year we nail it :-)

5. Have more manicures and fresh flowers in my life.  I’ve already started on this one with a pink glitter DIY mani pedi and an arrangement I put together with $6 worth of stems from Trader Joes. Both have brought countless smiles to my face this week.

Around the House (in no particular order… some are weekend projects and some will take weeks)
0. Get the hole in the ceiling fixed before my new sofa arrives next week *squeal*
1. Tackle the laundry room – it’s a decent size and completely worthless in it’s current state. 
2. Transition the toys to the basement and turn the play room into a family study.
3. Bomb the play set in the back yard (it’s quite hazardous in its current state) and build a walk from the yard to the golf course.
4. Hang pictures in the upstairs hallway.  Oh, and paint it…flat paint + two boys + 4 years = nasty.
5. Make the coat closet work harder.
6. Clean out and organize the storage room in the basement.
7. Clean out and SELL anything we’re not using in the attic.
8. Repaint the numbered stairs.  It’s just time.

I’d love to  know what y’all are planning this year!!

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17 thoughts on “Looking Ahead

  1. It sounds like you have a wonderful year ahead and I think you will get all your goals accomplished! I can't wait to see your finished projects – I know they will be awesome! Again…Happy New Year!

  2. Can't wait to see your projects come to life! I especially like the date night idea; I think we'll adopt that one as well.

    2014 is slated to be a big, fun year for us as well & I can't WAIT to get to it! xo

  3. I'm with you when it comes to cleaning out and selling and the old friendships.
    I need to get over there to ATL and hang with one of my bff's.. very soon.

  4. Such a good list. We are always on the same wavelength …we are making an effort to call at least 1 old friend a week, and maybe this will be the year that we nail that budget too! My sons are getting tightened up on the chore charts. I'm telling myself that training is an ongoing task ;)

  5. I made your New Year's Menu last night and all I can say is..Wow! I think I found an added New Year's tradition. Thank you.

    Also, love, love, love your blog. It is the first one I check each day. :)

  6. Yep we are right there with you on a number of those items. How ready I am to ditch the playroom and oodles of barely used toys but with a 2 year old running around, we are bound to be surrounded by plastic for a few more years. Last year I decided to connect regularly wiith two of my oldest friends and it is amazing how much I gained from the times we shared together.

    We are also reinstating weekly family meetings as a way to checking and reinforce manners/ morals/ responsibility building among our littles. Fingers crossed it is more effective than the continual nagging method I employ now;)

    Can't wait to see the new couch!!!!

    Holy cow this is a lengthy comment. And I didn't even touch on the fresh flowers….love them!

  7. I have been working on my list. As soon as I get the last of the Christmas decor put away, I can get more serious. But we have a "snow day" today so most likely the list will have to wait a couple days! I am impressed with your date night plan! My husband actually printed me a "date night certificate" for Christmas but that was only a promise to go out alone together once a month. We have been really slacking with that. But I like how you plan to use the alone time at home as a date night. I can't tell you the last time we sat down and just watched a movie together after the kids went to sleep! I love all your plans and I am sure you will accomplish them all!

  8. What a great list. Very doable!! I need to sit down and come up with a list of projects we need to accomplish as well.One I know will be on the list is to clear out all we are not using anymore once and for all!!!

  9. I'm not a resolution person either but I have a baby girl due in April so my list of "to do's" is lengthy. With a 2 year old running around my list is not likely to get any shorter any time soon. When you go through the basement storage room & your attic be sure to let us know if there are any gems that your loyal followers/fans might wanna purchase via Ebay. Ditto for your sister and all of CeeCee's precious clothes. Now I'm off to tackle that list!

  10. looks like
    you have a great 2014 planned!

    just a note
    to let you know
    that Fridays Unfolded
    is back!

    hope you'll stop by
    to link up again.

    Nancherrow (formerly Stuff and Nonsense)

  11. You are on the ball! I keep trying to get ideas running, but never put pen to paper. So I will have to do so. These are all great ideas! Also, we have the flat paint problem too. :(

  12. Amen, sister, about the flat paint! Why anyone uses it in high traffic areas is beyond me. I like your list!

  13. It makes me smile big to know that you're planning date nights! I think that is vital in any marriage or relationship. Attention devoted to each other, check in to see what's going on, how the other is thinking/feeling and just having fun!

    I like the idea of fostering better relationships with old friends too. I have that as one of my intentions this year.

    Can't wait to see the results of your projects…they will be awesome!

    I just can't tell you how much better I feel about this year…it's going to be happy, productive, peaceful, healing and filled with love. RAOK's are always a favorite thing for me and that will continue. One a day will make 365 people happy and one a day is easy! :)


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