I started thinking about what 2015 might look like for me and my little family around Thanksgiving. And it dawned on me one morning in mass that my very favorite hymn, one that both fills my heart with hope and brings me to tears with its message, could inspire a year of good…
Where the world is merciless, be God’s mercy.
Where the world is hopeless, be God’s hope.
Where there is injustice, be God’s justice.
Where there is sadness, be God’s joy.
Where the world is doubting, be God’s faith.
Where there is ingratitude, be God’s grace.
Where there is confusion, be God’s truth.
Where there is weakness, be God’s strength.
Where the world is wounded, be God’s healing.
Where the world is weeping, be God’s song.
Where there is despairing, be God’s beauty.
Where the world is crumbling, be God’s rock.
Where there is no tenderness, be God’s child.
Where there is loneliness, be God’s smile.
Where the world is dying, be God’s life.
Where there is darkness, be God’s light.
Let your life change the world one person at a time.
Let your life be the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.
As the bread becomes his body, we can be the living sign.
With God’s love, change the world with your life.
Our littles are just that… little. But they are not still so little that they can’t begin to understand how they can change the world with their lives. And while it seems daunting as to how one person, or even one family, could “change the world”, it’s the “one person at a time” message that makes it glorious and doable every single day for every single one of us. I’ve changed out the frame in our family office with a beautiful rendition of our 2015 mission…
I have been capturing ideas on how we are going to start on this amazing adventure in the year ahead and cannot wait to share them with you as we go.
You can find the free printables at the links below, and the journal is available in my etsy shop.
I’d love you have you join us in this journey. Let your life change the world one person at a time…
I love this Amanda! Yes, we are to be a light for Him. It doesn't have to be anything grand, just simple little things to show others who is first and foremost in our lives, and to share Him with them. Can't wait to print this out a put in my office, and plan to print out the words to the hymn as well to post on my bulletin board. Wonderful words to remember throughout this year.
What a lovely and powerful mission for the year! Thank you for the printable!
A great challenge Amanda…I am not Catholic but I read a blog called Catholic Icing that is written by the sis in law of a friend. She has some great ideas for doing corporal acts of mercy. She has really challenged me this year. One of her projects was comfort bags for homeless people that she keeps in her car and passes out if she sees someone who is asking for help. I thought to myself, hey I can do this. She has opened my eyes to many ways we can help others.
I can't wait to check her out. Thanks, Arlene!
Amanda, this is beautiful – I can think of no better mission for a family. The only way we can change the world is to start just where we are.
I am so excited for 2015 in our family & I can't wait to read your ideas and follow throughout the year to see how you bring this mission to life.
You continue to be an inspiration to me – not just with your fun ideas & gorgeous home, but mostly with your kindness & graciousness, generosity & love for life. Happy 2015! xoxo
Love this! If you haven't already, check out Courtney Defeo's Light 'Em Up ideas on her website – http://www.courtneydefeo.com. Our community organizes the weeks leading up to Christmas with a different project each week for families to get involved helping others, but the ideas are great for all year long. I think you'd love it if you don't know about it already. ?
She has wonderful ideas. Some of ours will come straight from her!
Love this Amanda! Look forward to reading about and being inspired by your plans. I feel like I'm copying you all the time…you're like the big sister I never had. XO- Amelia
So glad I am not the only one that cries at mass sometimes. I love this! I am not into the same ole resolutions. last year my resolution was to be present. I definitely feel that I succeeded. This year it's to be complete…..and to complete. I have a family motto I've taught the kids for years: We are a kind and loving family. I like taking it a million steps further! Great idea Amanda. Happy New Year!
Thank you for sharing this, I am going to youtube it now so I can hear how it sounds when put to music. All the best in 2015.
Amanda! This is so inspiring! I love a resolution that really means something. I have had a favorite quote for years and I thought I would share it because it seems to pair so nicely with this hymn. Thanks for giving me a new inspiration! This is the quote found on Mother Teresa's wall of her school in Calcutta. This just reminds me to do everything for God's glory. Every.Day. Always.
People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.
This is lovely. Thank you for sharing!
Good job Amanda!! Keep up these powerful parenting skills! You are making such a difference in your children's lives. I like your style!!!
Amanda, Just wanted to tell you that you made a difference in my life in 2014 as I would take a moment most days to look at and read your blog.I am such a visual person and your ideas and style just speak to me, so thanks for taking the time each day to post. I am setting out to post each day this year on my blog, for myself, more than anything, always to bring honor to God and to live each day to make a difference! Happy 2015, thanks again, Blessings to you and yours! Suzanne
I love this, Amanda. You are setting such a great example for your boys and inspiring all of us in the process. I am looking forward to reading more about your plans.