Happy Mon-yay, y’all! After being away in Savannah all weekend, it was go-go-go from the time the littles got on the big yellow bus until when I dropped into bed about five minutes ago (along with my computer).
In between a lot of things I’d never dream of boring y’all with (think laundry, the post office and bills), I popped over to Lilly at Phipps to take a peek at their new arrivals with my own two eyes. This might be one of my favorite collections yet!!!
I met bestie S for lunch. And she came with a box of cupcakes too!!!
And, the highlight of my day, was watching the littlest in his Nuts musical. He’s quite shy, but managed to get his lines out loud and clear. These are the kind of moments that make my chest want to burst with pride and have my eyes welling with tears. It was just a quick moment in the spotlight, but it was a real stretch for him that took lots and lots of practice.
Afterwards we noshed on the ultimate “school night supper“. It was quite timely given that it’s National Cereal Day and all. General Mills sent me the fabulous bowl!!!! I only had to fight two others to be able to use it :-)
Dinners that end with just four dirty bowls and four dirty spoons were made for Mondays.
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My vote is still on the pineapple dress – guess you’ll have to make another trip! ?
Whit is JUST the cutest fox I ever did see! Good job, Whit!
And cereal for supper can’t be beat!
Happy Birthday! Hope it’s a great one! ?
Tell you little that the Fox is my spirit animal. ;) And, I’m proud of him. Being on stage is scary!
I’m not always a Lily fan…but I LOVE the pineapple dress!
Great job, Whit! I was sick and just saw this but you made a fabulous fox! You are very brave and smart. :-)