It’s really so hard to believe that another school year is upon us! Each year we have the chance to meet our teachers the week before school goes back and I find it is always a great ice breaker to have a little something to give them. We’ve done something different every year (look here to find more free printables and all school ideas), and I think I squealed when the light bulb went off with this idea…. personalized Coke bottles!!! I mean, what could be more Atlanta or more US?!
You can order these darling 8-oz. glass Coke bottles at Share a Coke. They are $5 each and shipping is free with orders over $60. (I also get a small employee discount.) Since I ordered sets (one school and one grade bottle) for each of my littles, each of their teachers, AND Sister’s littles, we qualified for the free shipping. I made cute little “bubbling with excitement” hang tags to go on our packages >> Just right click on the image and save!I can literally think of a hundred different bottles that I could get printed for every occasion… school, teams, parties, weddings, hostess gifts, the list goes on. Also, if you didn’t want to get custom bottles, definitely search the displays in stores with song quotes – I think there are a few that would be cute for back to school as well – “Best Day Ever” and “That’s What I Like About You”, to name a few.
I bagged them up in cello and they were literally the CUTEST gift! Both of the teachers seemed to adore them! John’s teacher said “delicious AND decorative”… I like the way she things :-)
I am saving the sets I got for the littles’ for a last day of school “Sip Sip Hooray” celebration. I had to write that down on my calendar so that I don’t forget by the time May rolls around. Nothing like planning ahead.
Now, let’s talk about actually meeting those teachers. :-) As usual, the baby and I practiced what he would say. “Hi, I’m Whit.” That’s it. We even role played. The best was in the car on the way when he said let’s do it one more time….
Me: I’ll be Ms. M and you be Whit.
Whit: Wait. Who am I again.
Me: You’re you. Whit. Ready? Hi! I’m Ms. M. What’s your name.
Whit: Hi. I’m Ms. M.
Me: No buddy. You’re Whit. All you need to say is “Hi. I’m Whit.” :-)
So, when we get there it went down exactly how we practiced.
Ms. M: Hi! I’m Ms. M. What’s your name?
Whit: (nothing. radio silence. not a word.)
Bless his precious heart. I wanted to pick all 78 lbs of him up and hug and kiss him and run back home. By the time we left his classroom he said he really liked Ms. M. She is extremely kind and welcoming and we found out she’s also a HUGE Disney fan and passholder. She had a scavenger hunt around the classroom to get them familiar with it and he uncovered a few other fun things like Harry Potter books and computers. I have a really good feeling about second grade!!!
John’s fifth grade teacher is brand spanking new. She’s young and energetic and we could already tell that she’s going to be really creative. John confidently walked in, extended his hand and introduced himself. He was allowed to choose his own desk (I’m not sure he made the best choice, but time will tell) and was excited about getting to use spiral bound notebooks this year. It’s the little things. Ha! He knows most of the kids in his class and thinks Ms. M (yes, we have two Ms. M’s this year) is “sooooooo nice”, but said he’s “really nervous about making straight A’s again.” I tell you, we don’t have to push him because he pushes himself. As he gets older, I am often overcome with the feeling that I am parenting myself.
With that, it’s time to kick off our last weekend of summer. Lot’s of pool time, some Pokemon hunting, and a big Sunday Supper is about all we have on tap.
Share a Coke
School Days | Free Printables
[madmimi id=246857]
Fun, fun! This is a great idea for a teacher gift. And I giggled about your writing the end of year celebration on the calendar – I still most plan on paper but when an idea like that pops up, I immediately add it to my calendar on my phone with an alert. Otherwise… I’ll never remember! ?
It sounds like second and fifth grades will be great! Enjoy your last weekend of summer! Our last weekend of summer sounds much the same as yours! xo
I have a paper calendar, a notebook of ideas, AND a calendar and to-do list on my phone. If it’s only in my brain it’s not happening :-)
These are darling! I am going to borrow this idea to stock the teacher’s lounge with Cokes and Diet Cokes for the week the teachers start back. I am in charge of teacher hospitality for our PTA and this will be perfect. We don’t start back until the 29th so a few more weeks of summer up here :)
How sweet! They will LOVE that!
Really cute idea for us Coke lovers. Thanks for sharing.
We are definitely a Coke loving family. John is putting a coke in his “all about me bag” for school :-) At first I hesitated to let him, but he gave a few pretty good arguments about why he should be able to. He’s going to be a lawyer or a politician.
How cute is that! I think I am going to have to order some for Christmas. We are thinking about surprising them with a trip and this would be the perfect way to “let them Know” about it. You always have the best ideas!
Hope you have a fantastic school year! Gosh, I can remember reading years ago when John was so little. They grow so fast. Mine is starting high school…unbelievable.
GREAT idea!!!! Wouldn’t that be a fun way to announce an Atlanta trip too?! I might have to think about this one. I still don’t know what their “to-do” gift will be this year but now my wheels are turning. xo
Oh, Whit! Love that boy! Best wishes to John and Whit as they begin the school year! Perfectly Atlanta-style gift!
Thank you!!!! He keeps me laughing!
This is just about the cutest idea ! My son meets his second grade teacher Tuesday, wish I had seen this sooner!! You just can’t beat Coke in a glass bottle ?
Truth! I hope you have a great teacher meeting. And, there’s always the holidays, teacher appreciation week and end of year for more Cokes. You can use a Sip Sip Hooray message :-)
SOOO cute! I love this idea!! You’re going to need to share these things sooner as you’re much more creative than the rest of us!! :)
We have a Disney loving teacher as well; thank goodness!!!
I always struggle with the timing because I don’t do things far in advance like other bloggers. I love living in the moment… and it’s hard to create the moment a month in advance :-) Three cheers for Disney loving teachers!!!!
Hi Amanda I know you’re a huge Lilly fan and wanted to share this w you A 16 yo close friend of my niece drowned on Tuesday in a boating accident She was a big Lilly fan and look what Lilly did in her memory! I’m attaching the link but it’s also on their fb page Notice her name in the design…Raven What an amazing gesture by Lilly Made a fan of me! Celebrating the bright life of Raven White. The Print Studio was so touched by all of the messages from her friends and family about her love for Lilly. #Lilly5x5
That is just the sweetest thing. Thank you so much for sharing and prayers for Raven and her family. xo
You’ve got such awesome children! I love their individual responses to their teachers. Hope next week goes well for them. And great idea on the teacher gift, I’m sure both Mrs. M’s loved their gifts!
haha! They are just SO different. I always marvel at how much I love both of their personalities so MUCH – even though they aren’t much alike at all.
Love your site! Would you mind sharing your “It’s Great to be 8” printable? I have a lil’ man turning 8 on the 20th. Thanks so much.
Sure! I just updated the file here: Great to be 8!
And, you can find all my printables here! Dixie Delights Printables