My Sister’s husband and I have a lot in common personality wise. I was telling him that I didn’t want to wait until Lent to do my 40 bags in 40 days clean out when we were together in Savannah. He asked why I didn’t just do it in January and “call it a January Junk Out”. I screamed YESSSS! and, just like that, my January Junk Out Jamboree was born.
I adopted the same method for my 40 bags… I made a list of 31 spaces to clean out and will tackle one each day. They are in no particular order, as I find it helps me to just pick one each morning based on other things on the schedule. I save the big items like the attic for a weekend when Honey is home to help. He actually added attic, storage room and garage to the list.
So, without further ado, here is my list in the event that it inspires any of you to join in on the January Junk Out Jamboree…
- garage cabinets and lockers
- garage closets
- mudroom
- kitchen cabinets
- kitchen pantry
- kitchen lights (basically dust and clean the bulbs)
- hall closet
- den baskets and lights
- dining room light
- dining room polish silver in china cabinet
- living room cabinets and desk
- office closet
- office drawers and cabinets
- porch
- john’s closet
- john’s drawers and desk
- whit’s closet
- whit’s drawers and secretary
- guest room closet
- guest room drawers and armoire
- master closet
- master drawers
- master bedside tables
- master bath (this should be very minimal)
- boy’s bath (also minimal)
- guest bath cabinets
- attic
- basement cabinets
- basement storage room
- my car and purse
- laundry room
I have my list in my handy little notebook that never leaves my sight. So far I’ve done #8, #12 and #26. Talk about tackling some low hanging fruit. :-)
I find that having really manageable items makes all the difference in sticking to the plan. I also find that cleaning out is a great way to curb bringing in anything new.
Love the “January Junk Out” idea! January is a great time to purge and clean out and you have motivated me to get started on my own spaces. I did donate some clothes/winter coats back in the Fall and also put some Christmas related things in consignment that I knew I wouldn’t use again but that’s just the tip of the iceberg as they say!
I have a handy little notebook that rarely leaves my sight too. I would enjoy reading a post describing how you organize yours. Mine is just a little spiral with about 100 pages and I allot one sheet per day. But then, when I have projects like your Junk Out, I either create a separate, removable page or flip to the back and make more permanent lists in the back. It’s not a perfect system (does one exist?) but it’s the one I keep coming back to. I’m sure you have a very efficient method and would really enjoy reading about it.
Doesn’t if feel so good to tackle things like this?! And the bonus is, it will also free up mental energy that would otherwise be spent between now and Lent thinking about all that needs to be done.
Happy Friday! xo
January Junk Out for me too! Although mine is partly nesting as I am due with babe #2 in February so the quest to finish everything on my list feels imminent! (My first is a John too <3) Also I just started "Tidying Up" on Netflix with Marie Kondo which helps with further inspiration :)
The only problem with clearing out spaces for me is that I keep thinking: so-and-so has a child who will want this item, or I think of a young couple who might (someday) need this furniture or that casserole dish. As a child of Depression era parents (when everything was saved for someone else) it is hard for me to realize that NO ONE WANTS MY OLD STUFF. Anyone have any suggestions to help me get past this block of mine?
I understand that! When it comes to kid things, I usually give clothes to my sis and neighbor and any toys I post for free pick up on my neighborhood page. I donate everything else because you never know who mind think your trash is a treasure. So, I feel like it is all still going to someone that wants or may need it. <3
I love to purge! I’m going to start today. I’d love to see how you organize that notebook, too. Happy New Year!
I love your January Junk Out Jamboree. I’m slow getting started because we’ve been traveling but I plan on starting Monday evening after work. I’ve used your list as a starting point. It may take me longer than January but I’m committed to getting rid of the clutter. Also I’d love to see a post on “the notebook”. I’m having a hard time keeping my to-dos and thoughts organized. Happy New Year Amanda, you are one of my favorite bloggers.
Thank you so much! My notebook is really unimpressive but I will share soon! :-)
Love this! Totally doing it too. Started yesterday without even realizing it so now I can cross one off as soon as I make my list. :)