I was a wee bit scared John would not be pleased to open his yearbook to find a full page tribute. But you only graduate once, right?! And my motto through this season of life has been to celebrate everything to the fullest. I was so glad we took his senior photos last summer, as deadlines for the yearbook were popping up by September. I was able to use his professional shots for everything, all year long!

Speaking of the yearbook, I set it out at all of his events and gatherings – the grad party, grad night dinner, etc. It was a permanent fixture in our kitchen for the season and so many friends and family enjoyed looking through it and adding their well wishes to the grad!

Just last night Honey put together a new, large bookcase in John’s room. I tucked away the senior yearbook on a shelf with the rest. The years flew by.

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Bless you, Mama. These are exciting (but tough!) times…. hang in there.