Bus Driver Day

Last week we celebrated bus driver day and finally had the occasion to use this darling little bucket procured from the dollar bin at Target earlier this fall.  A cello baggie full of mini break and bake Tollhouse cookies filled it up for a sweet “thank you” to our kind yet no-nonsense bus driver. And… Read More

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Attention to Detail

The PCP carried home the cleverest little art project earlier this week – a large piece of construction paper folded into a house. And this is where he knocked my socks off.  A peek inside shows his bedroom, illustrated with an immaculate attention to detail.  Twin beds with quilts and folded monogrammed duvets (monogrammed duvets,… Read More

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We Won!!!

I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of our friends, family and blog supporters that rallied behind us and voted in One Project Closer’s Before & After Contest supporting Habitat for Humanity.  The results are in and WE WON THE GRAND PRIZE!  If you haven’t already, check out the year long basement… Read More

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