
With a fridge full of blackberries after our berry pickin’ excursion, we pulled out the cookbooks and scoured the internet for delish ways to put them to use.  It’s been a blackberrypalooza around these parts this week! Blackberry Vinaigrette 1 c blackberries 1 small shallot, chopped 1 t white balsamic vinegar 1 t honey 1/8… Read More

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Honeycomb Cakelets

After three hours worth of happy hour last Friday night I adventurously set out to bake, from scratch might I add, a honey almond pound cake for bestie S’s baby shower. So, after I’m-not-sure how many pool-side spirits, I peeled the cover off of my brand spanking new Williams-Sonoma Honeycomb Cake Pan, bought specifically for this… Read More

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