You’re Just Write {Free Printable}

Valentine’s Day is just a week away and we’re really getting into the throes of it around these parts.  I’ve got a special little treat planned every day between now and then so stay tuned for all the details.  As for today, I figured I’d kick us off with the actual Valentine’s behind our Valentine’s Day!

This year, the PCP requested to give out pencils to his classmates.  I lucked out with perfect contenders in the Target dollar bin and then created a quick little “Valentine, You’re just write” paper flag to adorn each one.  We’re talking ten cents a Valentine, my friends!!!  And not only are they practical, but they’re sugar free to boot.

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And since I just happened to have a bag full of heart shaped suckers in my coffers, the baby will be giving his friends treats bearing a “Valentine, You’re sweet” message.

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Here’s how to pull it off:

– Download free flags and print (page one bears the You’re just write message and page two is You’re sweet)

– Cut flags into 1” strips

– Have your child fill out the To: From:

– Fold strips in half and use double sided tape to adhere the flag to your pencils/lollipops

– Notch the ends into a “v”

DOWNLOAD Valentine Pencil / Candy Tag

The PCP also needed a decorated Valentine box to take to school.  We had a whole lot of fun turning his tennis shoe box into a googly eyed monster.

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We dined at Leon’s Full Service and then watched a good friend play Eddie’s Attic last night.  I’m exhausted and it’s not even eight a.m…time to hop back and bed and snuggle my baby.


PS. I’ve added the new Linky Following tool to my sidebar.  Rumors are running rampant that Google Friend Connect is going away and I’ve decided to move forward with Linky Following.  If you’re also making the move, I’d love for you to follow me through the new link below or on my sidebar.

Flattered for the features at Tip Junkie and Hot Coupon World!

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