I could hardly wait for the PCP to get off the big yellow bus and tell me all about his day. And, seeing as he’s a man of few words (like his Daddy), his recap took all of about 2.5 seconds before diving into his “First Place First Grader” special snack.
After a gigantic hug and kiss right on his sweet lips, I presented him with his first day of first grade medal. I swear, it was one of the best purchases I’ve ever made! Just switch out the paper center and it becomes a new award in a flash.
I set up shop on the porch and reused the first grade bunting from our Back to School Backyard Bash. We snacked on cupcakes, apple oreo’s and iconic red delicious apples.
John said he had a “perfect day”, that Mrs. B was “nice and pretty”, his favorite part of the day was “P.E. Why do you always ask me that? It’s always going to be P.E. on a P.E. day” (well, thanks for the heads up mister sassy pants…I won’t waste my breath on Wednesday), and that he’s “definitely going back tomorrow but probably will be going to fifth grade the next day because I’ve pretty much mastered first grade (ahhh…there’s my self confident first born.)” And he had a smiley face on the behavior chart to boot. I couldn’t be happier with the report!
Sounds like a first place kind of first day in first grade, no?!?!
Adorable, such a cute idea!
Love, love, love your blog. I use so many of your wonderful ideas with my 4year old son. Thanks for sharing all of your craftiness. Btw, where did you purchase the medal and the banners (kindergarten/first grade)?
You do so many wonderful & creative things with & for your kids ~ I just love it! You're creating memories that will stay with them forever.
Great job! So glad he's enjoying himself. He may be in high school by the time this year is over. :)
Crystal – I found the medal on clearance at Michael's in the scrapbook section last summer. I don't think they carry the line any more which is unfortunate because it was so cute! I made the banners out of plain printer paper (the letters) and patterned scrapbook paper (the background). Hope that helps! Amanda
This is a sweet post for a former first grade teacher to read. This would be so much fun to do each year and make a book of Elementary first day pages.♥♫
What a sweet idea!
This is an adorable idea!! I love it!!
Cute blog and what a fun idea! Thanks for linking up to our Strut Your Stuff Saturday! We loved having you and hope you will come back soon! -The Sisters