The DIY Fru Fru Stool

With school, sports, St. Pat’s, our jaunt down to Savannah and what I’m going to call a healthy case of spring fever, my decor projects have been a slow go these days.  The one thing I did finally finish up after it spent a few weeks sitting on my dining room table is the little fru fru stool for my dressing table / closet makeover!

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The entire project took about 30 minutes and cost $26!!

You’ll Need:
Marius Stool $6
Margareta Cushion (I can’t recall how much this was so I’m going to say $10…it’s Ikea so surely it couldn’t have been much more than that!)
Tejn Sheepskin $10
Round wood disk – mine was a clock face I purchased at Michael’s for another project and never used.  A slightly larger one would have been better.
Silver spray paint – mine was actually stainless steel spray paint left over from the oyster chandelier project

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1. Assemble the legs of the stool and spray paint.  Attach the wood disk to the top (Honey did this for me.)

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2. Clip down the white pegs on the back side of the Marius stool seat.

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3. Lay the sheepskin, cushion, and stool seat in that order on the floor.  Center the cushion and stool seat at the widest part of the sheepskin.

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4. Place your stool upside down on top of it all.  Trim off the curved end of the sheepskin with scissors.

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5. Use the staple gun to attach the sheepskin to the wood disk.  You will have to pull it tight and work from opposite sides with each staple.

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6.  Finish attaching the sheepskin to the disk with the staple gun.

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And that’s it!  Here she is pictured in front of the seersucker fabric I purchased to skirt the desk in.  It’s just draped over my dresser so that I could see what it will look like.

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Honey hung the mirror and sconces over the weekend but I’ve yet to get pictures.  If I could only motivate myself to gear up the old sewing machine…that would definitely feel like progress!!

Flattered for the feature at French Country Cottage!


10 thoughts on “The DIY Fru Fru Stool

  1. It came out great! I like the simple legs on your stool {and the name you gave it :)} I have used an Ikea sheepskin for a little stool too. My husband made our stool in high school and I was determined to use it somewhere. It's fun and everyone fights over it in my family room!

  2. It's awesome! Did something similar with the same stool for my daughter's room, but she didn't want a sheep skin cover, even though this is what I suggested. Anyhow, it turned out good with the pink clothing she chose too.

  3. So cute. I will be featuring this tonight at my Swing into Spring party that opens at 8pm EST. Please stop by and pick up an I've Been Featured button. Thanks.

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