After School Talk + A Winner

When John scurried off to his first day of Kindergarten four years ago, I busied myself making a cute little snack to welcome him home in an effort to help missing him so much!  Ever since then, it’s become our little tradition.  I set up a simple and festive snack for them on the porch and we debrief on their first days.


Everything here was stuff I already had in the house so it came together quickly.  They both adore ice cream sammies, so I simply unwrapped one for each of us and dipped each side in sprinkles.


One of my favorite things about our first day snack is that it forces them to sit down and really tell me all the details of their day.  Otherwise I’d probably hear nil from them.  I made up this cute little After School Talk game last year and we did it again this year!   You can find the digital download in the Dixie Delights Shop.



It was smiles all around as they came bounding off the bus.  Although I must admit, I think they were a little more excited to see Elsa than me.


I was beyond nervous at how John’s first day would go, but all that worry was for naught.  He adored his teacher and classmates and everything was right in his world (mine too!).  He said he made a few new friends and loved being in class with a few old friends.  My first most explicit memories are from fourth grade and it feels so odd to have a child at that age.



And this little monkey had just as good of a day in first grade!  He said he didn’t talk to anyone and didn’t make any friends (he’s my timid one at first), but that he loves his teacher very much and thinks his classroom is “neat”.  He got to share his All About Me bag AND go out for recess so he said it was a good day.


It’s really hard to believe summer has come and gone and that we’ve got a first and fourth grader on our hands.  I’ve signed up to be room mom for both classes and my duties should have started tonight at parent night.  Luckily I have coerced Honey into being me for the evening.  I wish I could be a fly on that wall tonight :-)

As far as the appendix goes, Mother has run out to pick up new meds for me.  The prescription never came in last night so I was in a ton of pain and didn’t sleep at all.  I’m hoping to be knocked out the rest of the day once she returns.

And, last but not least, I finally remembered to pick a winner for the Disney Game Pad giveaway! chose comment #86 out of 87 and that is SARA!!!  Send me an email to claim your prize.

With that, I’m going to start Into the Woods.  Been sleeping through loads of movies the past couple of days :-)


Dixie Delights Shop

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12 thoughts on “After School Talk + A Winner

  1. I have a severe allergy to a specific pain medication. I break out in hives and itch to death. I feel for you. I am so glad John is so happy. That makes everything right in the world as a mom. Continue to get well!

  2. Hi Amanda, Lovely to see your boys are smiling so happily! The ice cream Sammie look yummy. We don’t have them in the UK. We will have to try them next time we are in Florida. I hope you start to feel better soon. Tara x

  3. I adore the after school talk game. Sometimes it just takes a fun push to get children to share things a mom has been waiting all day to hear. How I wish your blog had been around when my adult children were in school. There are so many things that combine to make that impossible but this mama can always wish!

  4. Love your blog!! Sorry to hear about your recent medical emergency. I feel your pain I recently had a medical surgical procedure as well and have a 1st & 3rd grader in my home. Glad your family came to help! Hang in there and just remember this too shall pass…

  5. First, I wanted you to know I tried to comment on your post about your recent surgery but for some reason I’ve had trouble commenting on your site the past few days. Probably on my end. I hate you had to go through that. So glad Honey got you to the hospital when he did, as a ruptured appendix is so much worse. I went through a similar situation when I was 7. My mom, a nurse, thought it was just a bad stomach bug, but when it got far worse to the point I couldn’t stand up, could only stay in a fetal position and was throwing up she took me to the doctor/surgeon she worked for to be checked out. Needless to say, I was rushed across the street to the hospital and in surgery within an hour. Not an appendicitis, but a rare infection of the peritinium (the tip of the appendix)…I was the girl all the doctors wanted to check out…House anyone? Was in the hospital a week, and then home for a week. Not fun when you are 7 and everyone else is having fun at school. Praying you mend quickly and the new meds work and don’t cause a reaction.
    The boys look so happy. Glad all went well this year for their first day. Praying things continue to go well. I know you and Honey have got to be so relieved for John especially!!
    Glad you have Marme and your sister, as well as so many wonderful friends to help out.

  6. Glad to here your home and surrounded by loved ones as you heal! After reading your ok and on the mend, minus the drug reaction, my thought was luckily it happened after the boys went back to school. I am in awe of your first day of school tradition and am sure your boys love it! My poor kids only get a special note and a picture, even with my youngest going into her junior year I demand against all groans a picture (and am thrilled I have them). Since you mentioned The Astronaut Wives Club, which I have half of on the dvr waiting for me to catch up, I thought you might want to check out the book I’m reading now, Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons by Lorna Landvik. I’m only about a third of the way through and can’t wait to have time to finish, it’s set in the same era as A. Wives and is about friendship, strong willed ladies and social issues of that time. Prayers for a quick recovery and fingers crossed that this is your only medical emergancy for the year!

  7. I’m so happy that the first day of school went well and that your boys like their teachers. Your snack and game are so cute. I’m behind on reading your posts because I had emergency abdominal surgery too! Thankfully, I was never really in much pain, but had zero appetite and I’m thrilled to be on the mend. I’m so sorry that you’ve been in pain and hope that you’re feeling better soon. I went for a post op appointment today and my funny surgeon wrote me a “prescription” to do no household chores or grocery shopping. Ha! So thankful for the great doctors and nurses. Feel better soon!

  8. So happy the first day went well! The smiles on their faces says it all!

    Hoping for more rest & quick recovery now that the medicine is sorted out! xo

  9. Amanda,

    I feel so bad you are going through all this pain especially during a busy time of the year when the boys go back to school. You are blessed to have the extra help you do.

    I loved when my boys would come home that first week and give me the scoop. My tradition was chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven. I was fortunate to have a work schedule that always allowed me to bake fresh and homemade just before they got home. Even when they were in high school … funny how they managed to get home that first day for our tradition:)

    Enjoy this time…before you know it you will be sending college care packages to them.

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