Snow Much Fun 1st Grade Holiday Party {Free Printables}

I’m room mom for both boys this year and both of their grades ended up with parties back to back on the same day.  oy!  To say it was crazy trying to pull both off would be an understatement.  On the bright side, I had a few amazing mommy helpers in both classes, both went off without a hitch AND both are now scratched off the holiday to-do list!

The theme of Whit’s was So Much Fun!  We had six different centers – each lasting 10 minutes – for the one hour party.  I rang the cow bell to have them rotate about 9 minutes in to each one.


First things first, Snowman Soup.  I’ve done this more times than I can count with the little ones and they always love it!  They make the bags and carry them home for later.  There is a precious little poem and I’ve created free printables for that as well as the labels.  You can find those HERE >>> Snowman Soup.


Next up was the snack table.  The kids decorated and ate snowman sugar cookies, snacked on popcorn and had waters.



Outside in the hallway we had a cute little holiday photo both set up.  The parent volunteer photographer loaded all of the pics to the class site.




Also out in the hallway was the Snowball Toss game.  The kids worked in pairs to toss marshmallows and catch them in a bucket.



Back in the classroom we had a Snowflake Decorating craft with coffee filters and glitter.


There was also a Frozen Fever table where the kids had cups of hot chocolate and a parent read the Frozen story book.


There was a great variety of active, quiet and in between things to occupy their time and everyone seemed to really enjoy it!  You can find all of the table tens and instructions from these centers (and others from past parties) HERE >>> Snow Much Fun Party Guide.

I also thought I’d share the darling little elves right outside in the hallway.  Mrs. M goes so far above and beyond with activities and crafts for them.  I have whole drawer full of keepers from this year :-)


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We also presented Mrs. M with a gift card wreath from the class.  Another parent made the wreath and organized collecting gift cards from her favorite shops and restaurants.

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Stay tuned for scenes from the fourth grade shin dig!!

Everything School
Snow Much Fun Party Guide | Snowman Soup

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2 thoughts on “Snow Much Fun 1st Grade Holiday Party {Free Printables}

  1. What a fun party! Those 1st grade elves are adorable – and I know the gift card wreath was a hit! xo

  2. As a teacher, I thank you for being so involved in making classroom experiences memorable for your children and their classmates.

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