My Signature Six with The Pink Clutch

When Bestie P over at The Pink Clutch asked if I’d be willing to share 6 things about myself I immediately thought “there’s no way I could think of 6 things to describe me”.  Well, 257,392 potential things later, I have narrowed it down to my “signature six.”

Here we go!

1.Three boys + a pup

The first thing I thought of when it came to a post all about me wasn’t about me at all.  It was about my little family!  90% of what I do in a day is driven by making the days of these people brighter, happier and more joyful.  Being a mommy is the greatest job I’ve ever been given and I *try* not to take a moment of that for granted. When we finally adopted a daughter, albeit of the canine variety, all felt right in my world.

2. Everything Lilly

From my earliest days I was a fan of pink and I’ve never wavered in dedication :-)  I am drawn to bright colors, splashy prints and classic styles and my go-to clothing line is absolutely Lilly Pulitzer.  While most of my home decor sticks to blues, greens, tans and creams, I’ve embraced this Lilly-love in my home office!


3. Coca-Cola

Coke has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember living.  I shared this life long love affair in a whole dedicated post a couple of years ago, in fact.  This affinity for a little carbonated beverage led to a career, and I’ll celebrate my 19th year with the company in May!!!   {On a related note, read all about Coke + Peanuts HERE and read my reader’s Coke memories HERE}


4. Savannah

I might have been in Atlanta for 23 years (gulp), I still call Savannah home.   I’ve decorated my home in a nod to the Hostess City of the South, the place I love more than any in the world.  I feel so fortunate to still have my childhood home to visit as often as I can.  I keep all of my Savannah favorites updated HERE and even have a recommended itinerary for a long weekend with kids!


5. Disney

Disney is our family’s home away from home of sorts.  We are nuts.  Fanatics.  Those crazy Disney people.  Like Savannah and Coke, Disney has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.  It’s funny how so many things about us as adults are really ingrained in us as children.

6. Celebrating every day

One of the things I love to do more than anything in the world is to celebrate every day.  I celebrate big and small, whether it be a simple snack after school or a full blown birthday party.  {PARTIES HOLIDAYS & OCCASIONS}

I’ve done a LOT of talking about myself and would love for you to pop over to The Pink Clutch to learn about HER Signature Six!  AND, if you’re joining me today from Paige’s blog, welcome.  I’m delighted you’re here!  You can learn more about me and this little piece of the internet HERE.

Have a great day, y’all!!


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18 thoughts on “My Signature Six with The Pink Clutch

  1. I love your site and 6 things (mine are similar). Weird request but I was wondering if you could do a post on how you organize all of your celebration supplies? You’ve said that you sometimes reuse supplies but I’m interested in how you keep track of everything… closet? drawers? I need help in this area.

  2. If you had asked each of your followers to describe you with a signature six…not in the same order but I literally matched you. I dont think I am alone on this…you are an amazing woman Amanda. As i scrolled down to read today’s post I found myself guessing what was next. You always bring a smile to my day.

  3. Amanda, I love this post! You and your family are so precious! Coke and peanuts–oh my, that brings back memories from when I was much younger. Everyone I knew put their peanuts in the green Coke bottles–thanks for a stroll down memory lane on this one! Have a great day! xoxo

  4. Amanda this was more then 6 things about you it was a tribute to the beautiful daughter, wife, mother and friend you are both to those around you and on the web. I have always felt your graciousness and tenderness in your posts and admire the love and wonderful ways you shower your two sons with incredible memories! So even though you wrote 6 things they were lovely and so genuine and true! God Bless, Lori

  5. Fun post! I admire both you and Paige and your bright smiles and upbeat personalities. You two must be the best moms, not to mention being very stylish young women.

  6. I surprised myself by knowing 5 out of the 6 things about you. Somehow, though, I gave you a baby girl – I obviously was confused about that!

  7. I love that your answer is mostly about family and experiences, not things. Whenever I read your blog I think that if it had been around when my college son was little I would have copied everything you do. Such a wonderful mom! You also have the greatest style.

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