Snow Day Down South & John’s Sendoff

It’s been sooo many years since we had a snow day in Atlanta. It was also John’s last day home after a month of Christmas break. I couldn’t have asked for anything better than having my family trapped at home with me :-)

I was the first one up with the puppies and relished in copious amounts of coffee while the snow showered down. It was simply perfect.

It was Anna Dasher’s first snow and she was just too cute. At first she was timid and literally jumped off of the snow. But before long she was zooming around having a ball. She injured her paw somehow but it has healed up nicely and isn’t bothering her at all now.

I made our favorite breakfast casserole. We knew snow was coming so I planned a decadent day of eating :-)

Once everyone was fed, we ventured out to take pics and so the boys could play with the puppies. I have 7 little boys in the three houses immediately around me and it was so sweet to see them out ALL DAY. I fondly remember our last snow when my boys trudged in heaps of snow and wet clothes all day long. Time flies.

This year, they were happy to linger over long meals, board games and hot chocolate.

Lunch brough chicken ramen noodle soup – the recipe I shared Sunday.

We cozied up with a puzzle, books and videos all afternoon.

We gave Honey a sous vide system for Christmas and it’s been a huge hit. John requested steaks, truffle mashed potatoes and asparagus for his last night home.

Happy hour brought Empress 75s for Honey and me, and hot chocolate for the boys. We broke out the last of our Christmas monk’s head cheese.

After our meal, we played board games late into the night.

It was the perfect day!

Saturday morning I made John’s last breakfast request – cinnamon rolls!

He lounged with us most of the day while the temps melted ice on the streets and headed back to Auburn around 3PM.

I didn’t realize how hard it would be to say goodbye this second time around. My heart felt like it actually hurt. His room is a true disaster but I haven’t felt like sprucing that up just yet. All that said, John brought home a 4.0 first semester, loves Auburn, is thrilled with his fraternity, still adores his roommates, and has a great community there so I remind myself often throughout the day how happy he is and how thrilled I am for him!

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11 thoughts on “Snow Day Down South & John’s Sendoff

  1. What a wonderful snow day you had with your family. I am in Newnan, GA, a little south of you. We got sleet, no snow. We got 3 inches of it and you couldn’t see it falling because it was so tiny. Still, it added up. Looks like you planned some nice treats for your family. Those cinnamon buns look delicious! Keep warm!

  2. This Yankee was thrilled to see snow. Been ages since DC has any.

    My 6 yo chocolate is a puppy one again with snow. So fun! Love that your old gang reunited in it!

    Super cozy weekend. No wild card weekend for you?! Strictly college ball for you? ;) Playing games is best though.
    Reminds me – b/c of your post last year, I bought O-trio. It’s a hit.

    1. It’s like you’re speaking a different language – I don’t even know what wild card weekend is :-)

  3. Precious moments! We had a wonderful Christmas, too. First Christmas with my son and our new DIL. He was deployed last holiday and will be back on a carrier in early spring through Christmas 2025. We cherished the 6 full days we had with our boys home. I understand the ache you felt when I took them to the airport. I don’t get those precious times alone any more with just him. It’s a new chapter for us, but we are incredibly blessed by the expansion of our little family. Building wonderful memories is what it’s all about and seeing them achieve their goals in life. It’s truly the biggest blessing God has given us. Congratulations to your boys and your family! Circle of life–isn’t it just grand! Happy New Year, Amanda.

  4. I literally laughed out loud when I read “I had my family trapped” . Sounds like a wonderful snowy weekend !

  5. Congratulations to John on getting a 4.0 in his first semester at Auburn! While winter is not my favorite season, and January is my least favorite month it is nice after the holidays to regroup, relax, read, play games, cook, eat and get a rare Southern snow to play in. Looks like your family did all of that and enjoyed the down time. We got about 4 inches of snow in the central VA area and the kids got an extra week off due to snow, ice and cold temps which kept the side roads hazardous. Btw……I showed my husband Honeys gift, and he is looking at them now. Neither of us had ever heard of a sous vide system before.

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