Happy Halloween

Happy (day after) Halloween, y’all!!  We had such a fun weekend filled with parties, costumes, friends, family, and lots of tricks and treats.  Halloween Eve was spent at bestie M’s aunt’s home and it was a spectacular evening all around.  I’ve honestly never seen such fabulously done … and tasteful … Halloween decorations!  They were… Read More

A {Semi-Educational} Fourth Grade Halloween Party

When John’s teacher asked me to pull together centers for a Halloween Party, I was all “yayyyyyyyy”!!!!!!  Parties are my jam.  When she asked that they be somewhat educational (I did ask the question, in all fairness), I was all “booooooo”.  Not because I don’t see the value in that, but rather because I’m pretty… Read More

Pumpkin Babies, Teacher’s Birthday + A Halloween Party

It’s been a crazy fun week around school!  For the baby’s class alone we had three different events.  The best by far was Pumpkin Babies!!!!  Along with a few other mom’s in the class, we painted baby pumpkins for the kids, dressed up in scrubs and then delivered them in a wagon to the class.… Read More