So Many Fabrics

Before learning that the Tonga Snow fabric I was stubbornly resolved on obtaining for my bedroom chair was sold out all over creation, I spent a delicious and lengthy amount of time wandering about the thousands of bolts of woven goodness in Forsyth Fabrics.  For as long as I can remember, this place (along with… Read More

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Camp Kingfisher

In this day and age of iPhones, wii games and way too many cartoons, I signed John up for camp at the Chattahoochee Nature Center hoping to reinforce that the outdoors is a marvelous playground – a place for aimless roaming, lazy daydreaming and unrivaled adventure.  In that vein, the PCP spent the last glorious… Read More

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Worth Seeing

A few years back and on the reco of bestie S, I spent a long summer day lost in the pages of Water for Elephants.  Set in Depression-era America, the novel tells the tale of a young, forlorn vet that joins a travelling circus and impossibly falls in love with the boss’s wife turned star… Read More

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Waverly World

You know when you think (but aren’t absolutely certain) that you want something (fabric in the case of today) and you jet off to the store (Forsyth Fabrics – more on that mecca tomorrow, perhaps) to decide for sure and then you end up not being able to get it (because they sold out the DAY… Read More

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Elaborate Plans

*shhhh* …the littles don’t yet know… …but I’m so elated I feel like screaming from the rooftops… “We’re going to Disney! We’re going to Disney!” Our trip is months away but our resort is booked, our meals are planned, I’ve drained Disney gurus bestie N and sweetie M of their tips and tricks, I’ve hunted… Read More

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