Happy Hour {Disney’s California Grill Blueberry Lemon Drop Martini}

The Blueberry Lemon Drop Martini at Disney’s California Grill is my favorite cocktail anywhere! I bought a bottle of blueberry vodka about two years ago and have experimented every now and then, trying to get it right. California Grill Blueberry Lemon Drop Martini For 2 drinks, shake over ice: 4 oz. Three Olives Blueberry Vodka… Read More

Top 10 Movies to See Before Your Disney World Vacation

Glass Slipper Concierge advisors took a poll of the Top 10 Disney movies to watch while social distancing. It’s a great way to prepare for your next trip to Walt Disney World when we travel again. I rounded them all up on my social media pages, but figured a blog post would be a great… Read More

May the Fourth Be With You {Star Wars Day Dinner Boba Fettuccine, Chewbacca Chicken & More}

May the Fourth has been one of our favorite days of the year for an “at home” celebration for as long as I can remember! We’ve done all sorts of snacks, treats and dinners over the years. I went through bookshelves, bedrooms and closets to gather up the table decor. Our weather has been amazing,… Read More

Cinderella Tea Party {CeeCee Celebrates Seven}

CeeCee celebrated her seventh birthday with her little friends at a Cinderella Tea Party! As usual, Sister thought of every single beautiful detail and executed a wonderful soiree. Waiting on her guests to arrive… (Nine Sixteen Photography) One long table was beautifully set in gold, pinks and blues. She used a mix of faux and… Read More

In Celebration of 75 Y”ears”

My mother in law, affectionately known as JuJu for the last fourteen years, celebrates her 75th birthday today! We tossed around many ideas on how to celebrate this milestone and just kept coming back to the same thing… taking JuJu on her very FIRST trip to Disney World. We invited her to a birthday dinner… Read More

Patriotic Parties

With Memorial Day nearly upon us and Independence Day just around the corner, I thought I’d share a few party ideas from our past that could be easily adapted for either of these patriotic holidays! Grilled Cheese and Lawn Games We celebrated Honey’s birthday with a grilled cheese bar and lawn games.  This one would… Read More

Magical Monday {A Mickey Mouse Memorial Day Celebration}

I combined our usual last day of school snack with our “we’re going to Disney” celebratory dinner this year!  Since our Disney trip would have us there over Memorial Day, I thought it would be fun and different to do a Mickey Mouse Memorial Day Celebration!! I served breakfast for dinner in the form of… Read More