On My Bedside

At the expense of my full DVR, I’ve been spending my evenings after the littles are in bed reading rather than watching the tele.  The Night Circus This is a beautifully written and mesmerizing story.  I enjoyed every word on every page. I very, ever so rarely read a book twice, but if I did… Read More

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On My Bedside

For this month’s book club, we read Footprints of a Pilgrim, a collection of pieces on the life and loves of Ruth Bell Graham. While the book was far from my favorite reads of all time, sometimes you stumble upon just one passage in a book (or movie, or article, etc.) that really stands out and… Read More

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On My Bedside

After countless recommendations from numerous friends, I finally read Francine River’s Redeeming Love.  On the road to Rosemary Beach earlier this summer, I kept my nose buried in that book for five and a half hours straight (well… except when we drove through the Southern charmer known as Eufala, Alabama).  The novel is a masterful recount of the… Read More

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On My Bedside

There’s nothing I love more in the summer than basking in the sun lost in the pages of a great book.  And in the course of one unproductive, sleepless week I gobbled up what I’ve dubbed “a trilogy of Southern reads.” Good Looking for Salvation at the Dairy Queen was just a sweet read about… Read More

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On My Bedside

Allright y’all, brace yourselves as I divulge my true literary prowess… … let me introduce you to Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. I say “introduce” because unless you have a preteen daughter, often peruse the latest Scholastic book offerings or have a fabulous bestie E with unrivaled taste in juicy, teenage drama, I am quite certain… Read More

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I nearly forgot to announce the winner of my first giveaway!  By the extremely scientific method of “John pick a number between one and thirteen,” and after first announcing “one hundred forty-six,” the PCP picked comment number FOUR! Congrats Mama Bug!  You have won  a signed copy of Clay Rice’s children’s book The Lonely Shadow!!!   Send me… Read More

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