The Gingerbread Affair 2013 + Sister’s House

Sister and her Mister hosted their second annual Gingerbread Affair at their home last night.  Mother and Daddy-O used to let us invite a few girls over each year to do the same thing and it is a sweet holiday time memory for us. 

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Mother and Sister pre-assemble the houses to make it easier on the little ones.  Perhaps in a few years they will be able to do this themselves.  She adds to the candies to come in the kits and found the most adorable mini reindeer crackers this year at Target.

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The four cousins had a ball gorging on all things sweet and adorning their houses.  (Especially CeeCee… I mean, it will be obvious that she has the most attention to detail when you see her house. *wink*)

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(We came straight from the first basketball game of the season.)

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And now, take a peek at these sweet creations…

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CeeCee: I wish I had a picture of the big gumball and marshmallow bow on the back.  I mean, bows are her signature thing, for crying out loud.

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John: “That’s Santa’s sleigh in the front.  In the back is a candy junkyard.”  (read: pile on as much candy as possible to take home for later)  Note the marshmallow W on the roof.

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Whit: “This just a gingerbread house.”  (My ever so practical child.  He also sweetly for a zip top back, which he proceeded to fill up with candy to take home for later.)

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Jay: “The Snow Monster’s House.  It’s veeeery scary inside.”

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My littles absolutely adore CeeCee.  I mean, we all do :-)

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photo 1 (33)

Now, while Sister was distracted with flying icing and candy rolling all over creation, I managed to sneak a few shots of her house which I shared on Instagram last night.  It is so so so so so so gorgeous.  I haven’t convinced her to let me do a home tour because 1) she’s a perfectionist 2) her house is not “done” and 3) well, you’d just have to know her to really understand. 

photo 2 (33)

photo 3 (26)

photo 4 (17)

photo 5 (8)

With that, I’m off to a baby shower.  So fun!!

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12 thoughts on “The Gingerbread Affair 2013 + Sister’s House

  1. Such cute creations!! Love what they each had to say about their houses. LOL CeeCee is so precious. Adore your Lilly sweater. And, your sister's house (done or not) is gorgeous just from the glimpses we caught.

  2. How fun!! I just love all the things you girls do with and for your kids.

    Please tell your sister we know every home is still in the "not ready mode" & would love to see the rest of her lovely home!


  3. Funny, I was ready to type in a request for a virtual tour of Sister's house just after seeing the first 2 pics. The chevron curtains & lovely dining chairs caught my eye. Ok, here is the plan, sneak in when she is not home & photograph away—we promise we won't tell her:) Love CeeCee's hairbow & smocked dress. Funny-that's EXACTLY how I dressed my girls when they were little & they are now in college. Classics like smocking & monograms just don't go out of style!

  4. I am going to steal sister's
    marshmallow table runner idea for my annual cookie decorating party….love,love,love it. So when you see it on the blog, full credit goes to your sis;)

    We decorated gingerbread on Saturday as well and I believe more candy was ingested than placed on the house–lol. Tis the season for sugar overloads.

  5. John monogrammed his house? That's adorable! That sweet CeeCee is precious; I can see why you're all in love with her. Loved the peeks at Sister's house – just gorgeous! xo

  6. I was just about suggest a tour of your sister's home for a blog post (I'm sure I wouldn't be the first!!) when I saw you posted some photos-I LOVE IT! Ask her pretty please, even though I completely understand her type A, my home isn't "done yet", still have so many projects to do, thing (because I'm RIGHT there with her), we would love to see some "in progress" shots as she moves along :)))

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