Best of 2014

It’s hard to believe that the big peach will drop tonight here in Georgia, and we will bid farewell to another year.  I thought it would be fun to look back on YOUR favorites from the year…  Brother’s Room {Before & After} Deck the Halls 2014 The Family Office {Before & After} DIY FROZEN Costumes… Read More

Care for a Bite? {Free Printable}

Now that we’ve got all of our issues worked out (school, shingles, a burst pipe in the yard, rabies shots, etc.), I finally got around to making some little treats for our teachers! I filled three kraft boxes with four layer brownie bites!!!  Think chocolate on top of chocolate filled with peanut butter and topped… Read More

A Preppy Halloween {Free Printable}

I had so much fun this past weekend putting together a few quick and easy, preppy and pinkalicious Halloween touches in the family office. You can see the whole house tour here!   Mother and Daddy-O brought the pink roses from their garden. They smell divine! I shared the tutorial for the DIY Lilly Pulitzer… Read More

Lilly Pulitzer Pumpkin

We’ve had the best time with Mother and Daddy-O in town to see all of the boys various sporting events, lend a hand and just visit with us!!  I waited all week for Mother to get here because I knew she’d want to join me in my Lilly Pulitzer patchwork pumpkin endeavor.  And she sure… Read More

Walt Disney Quote {Free Printable}

I cannot believe it took me this long to share the free printable quote that graces our family office.  Sorry, y’all! As you may recall, I wanted space in the room for an inspirational quote.  Something that could be easily changed out for both the seasons of the year and the seasons of our lives. … Read More