Master Bathroom {Week 6 Construction Update: The New Bathroom!}

I can hardly believe I’m here writing this, but our brand new bathroom remodel is complete on the first day of week 6!  I gave a tour on Instagram that evening, but here are the day time pictures.

We widened the door way and added double glass doors, stained to match the original doors throughout our 1964 home.  John, the project manager, fashioned regular drawer pulls into door hardware for me.  They are finished in brushed gold on this side, like our other bedroom fixtures, and chrome on the inside to match the bathroom hardware.

Before we start, the before…

And the after of our new, beautiful view from the bedroom.  <3  We took the second closet from John’s room to add to our bathroom space, with allowed us to have a separate potty room with the renovation.  The vanity is in the same place, but centered on the wall this time.  The shower moved locations (swapped with the original toilet) and the tub is under the window like big blue sat for fifty-four years.

The vanity has the same configuration as the original, but I filled in the knee hold with cabinetry this time.  I never once sat there in 9.5 years, and am way too short for it anyway.  :-)  The mirrors are more silver than they appear in these pictures.

The sconces honestly don’t put out a whole lot of light, but they are wonderful ambient lighting in the evenings and when you get up in the middle of the night.  Oh, and when luxuriating in your brand new tub.  (I’ve only done that once, but it was everything it is cracked up to be.  I *almost* didn’t even put in a tub but I didn’t know what else I’d have done with the space under the window!  I figured I hadn’t had one in 10 years so I didn’t need one, but boy am I glad I just did it.    God willing, we plan to grow old in this house, but I know they are good for resale as well.

Here is a closeup of the vanity.  I absolutely love it.  Mother used these counters in her bathroom remodels and I have been pining over them ever since.  They are quartz – Cambria Berwyn, and we think they remind us of oyster shells.  I would LOVE to replace my kitchen counters with these as well.  You know, our kitchen was the one renovated space in the entire place when we moved in almost 10 years ago!

I went with oversized rectangle sinks and Delta fixtures in chrome.

We are currently using stick up blinds while we wait on the actual blinds to come in.   The shower is SOOOO nice and bright compared to the old navy blue shower.  (There is only one window over the tub.  The other is a reflection in the glass.)


We took out the built in closet and added a piece to match the vanity.  It is immensely more functional than what we had before.  It is smaller and prettier, but holds the same amount of stuff in a way that you can get to it all.  That’s a win!

You can find all of the sources linked in the posts below…Project Selection List

Storehouse Construction

Following is contact information for the contractor we selected.

Storehouse Construction, LLC
Jason Stanfield, Owner
[email protected]

I am starting to collect art, towels and such to finish the space, but we are headed on vacation at the end of the month.  I will share a full “reveal” of the decorated space next month!

Bathroom Renovation Diaries  |  Pinterest Inspiration

All Decor  |  Before & Afters Home Tour

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21 thoughts on “Master Bathroom {Week 6 Construction Update: The New Bathroom!}

  1. Amanda, this bathroom is spectacular!! I love every detail and I am so happy you get to enjoy it. It’s funny you mentioned that there is only one window. In one of your previous posts, I really thought you had a window in the shower. I was thinking…well that’s interesting! Love it all!
    Cheers to the new bathroom!

    1. Haha! Yes, I had a lot of concern over the window in the shower so I wanted to clear that up. The reflection really makes it look like there are two!

  2. This is perfection! I love how you didn’t fuss with the old bathroom and just waited to do it right. And you sure did. Every detail is gorgeous.

  3. GORGEOUS!! Your renovation turned out beautiful and your contractor did an amazing job. I really love all the timeless, classic but modern choices you made. I am sure you have a big smile on your face every time you walk into your new master bathroom.

  4. Perfect. I love all of your choices. I laughed when you were talking about the open space on the vanity. I have one of those as well. I would much rather have drawers or cabinets. I am way too short as well.

  5. It is absolutely lovely, Amanda! It’s hard to believe it’s the same space. Enjoy, sweet friend! xo

  6. I’m guessing that the blue tub and tile were from a previous renovation in the 1980s. Judging by that and the cabinet and the gold accents. It didn’t look like anything from the 1960s but did look very 80s.

  7. I love it!! It’s gorgeous!! I noticed a fan/vent on the ceiling of the shower. I’ve never seen that above a shower. Is it a heater or is it a fan to get rid of steam after you shower?

  8. Love it all! Is it true that the newer shower glass is now coated with something that repels the water and makes cleaning easier?

  9. I love the bathroom so far – your choices are all so lovely and I can’t wait to see how you will incorporate the fabrics you previewed on the blog into your renovation. I was wondering about the clear glass on the double doors – how is that going to work for general privacy? Just curious….

  10. Beautiful bathroom! We are in the beginning stages of a master bathroom remodel and the layout is almost exactly the same as yours. Question for you….do you get wet when you reach in to turn on the shower? The designer has drawn our shower elevations almost identically and we’re worried about getting hit with cold water while turning on our shower! Thanks in advance for your help!

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