Waste Free Wednesday

Today is Waste Free Wednesday at the PCP’s school and, while we try to pack a waste free lunch every day, he gets waaaay more into it during this official, once monthly event where students that comply are recognized with lavish and luxurious prizes.  Take last month’s tie-dyed reusable napkins, for instance.  You’d have thought… Read More

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One Smart Cookie

Yesterday marked exactly one month since the commencement of the PCP’s kindergarten year!  Time truly does fly.  To mark the occasion, John made his way to school with packages of Chocolate Cherry Heart Smart Cookies for his teachers. The heart smart (that was totally unplanned) cookies are wrapped in waxed bags, tied with Divine Twine and sporting… Read More

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Wish List

At parent’s night last week, John’s new Kindergarten teacher had a few items pinned up on her “wish list”.  I chose Clorox wipes (because I appreciate germ fighting as much as the next mom) and Skittles (because the PCP, clearly inheriting my sweet tooth, will do anything for a shot of sugar.) Since John’s class… Read More

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