Valentine’s Cards {Printables + Ideas}

I have a collection of printable Valentine’s from years past that can easily be put together for February 14th!

Have a Beary Sweet Valentine’s Day

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It’s Valentine’s Day… WHOOPEE

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Popped by to say Happy Valentine’s Day

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Have a Ball this Valentine’s Day

February 2013 030 copy

Tic Tac Toe Valentine

February 2013 034 copy

You’re Just Write & You’re Sweet Valentines

February 2012 093

February 2012 075

The rest of these are either tags from my shop (the last set of Valentine’s orders shipped today) or purchased from other shops but I thought they could still be used to spark some DIY creativitiy.

Great White Valentine Wishes

January 2014 164 copy

Fishtastic Friend Valentine

January 2014 166 copy

Crazy About You

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I Pick You

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Have a Colorful Valentine’s Day

We finished up Whit’s Valentine’s last weekend and I still have a cute gal-entine idea to share in the next few days.  I was hoping to do it today buuuuuut we ran around like crazy people with the tail end of basketball season, John’s select lacrosse in full swing and spring baseball gearing up for Whit.

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