Waverly World

You know when you think (but aren’t absolutely certain) that you want something (fabric in the case of today) and you jet off to the store (Forsyth Fabrics – more on that mecca tomorrow, perhaps) to decide for sure and then you end up not being able to get it (because they sold out the DAY before) and you become absolutely postively dead set that you MUST OWN THAT FABRIC (even though you went into the store not nearly certain)?

Tonga Snow Matelasse

Well, that happened to me yesterday.  And it could only be reordered for thirty-six dollars per yard (as opposed to the original tag price of under seventeen.)  Gasp.  On leaving the store, I spent hours (on a rare little free day) scouring the internet, determined to move mountains and earth, to make it mine.  Seeing as this particular choice is a Waverly fabric, I obviously (and quite quickly) found myself on the Waverly website.  And, fabric hunt aside, their new “Waverly World” marketing campaign just blew my skirt up. 

The laundry room is on my list of spaces to tackle.  I die at the thought of washing sweaty undies and soiled shirts in one of these gems.  Seriously.

And I can all but see myself rolling one of these out to my curb on Monday mornings in a Lilly shift.  I mean, I’d actually sign up to take the trash out for the first time in ten years if this was my herby curby.  Hear that, Honey?

Bills just wouldn’t seem so bad when coming out of one of these boxes.  And packages and present packages would be all the more delightful.  Though, I’m sure Miss J would have a little somethin’ somethin’ to say about that.

From a girl that studied marketing once upon a time, I must give Waverly an A-plus on this effort.  L.O.V.E.

PS. If you’re wondering about how I fared in my search, I did end up purchasing the seven yards I need on-line with free shipping and no tax. Oh happy day!

PPS. I did show Honey the Waverly herby curby and he absolutely positively said he will not under any circumstances help me paint our can.  He went so far as to say I would probably be arrested for vandilizing Waste Management’s property if I go through with this inane plan.  Can you say “party pooper”?

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Elaborate Plans

*shhhh* …the littles don’t yet know… …but I’m so elated I feel like screaming from the rooftops… “We’re going to Disney! We’re going to Disney!” Our trip is months away but our resort is booked, our meals are planned, I’ve drained Disney gurus bestie N and sweetie M of their tips and tricks, I’ve hunted… Read More

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On My Bedside

Allright y’all, brace yourselves as I divulge my true literary prowess… … let me introduce you to Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. I say “introduce” because unless you have a preteen daughter, often peruse the latest Scholastic book offerings or have a fabulous bestie E with unrivaled taste in juicy, teenage drama, I am quite certain… Read More

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Oakland Cemetery

Along with besties C, E and N, last weekend I took a walking tour of Oakland Cemetery in Atlanta’s Grant Park.  Founded in 1850 and the first public burial ground in the city, the sprawling forty acre cemetery is a historic Atlanta landmark and the magnificent final resting place of more than seventy thousand souls.… Read More

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Alligator Affair

This morning, Sister and her Mister pulled off the most fetching little summer soiree for sweet Bird’s second birthday celebration!  As usual, no detail was left untended to.  Feast your eyes on this alligator themed affair! Boxes of balloons, filled with gumballs and wrapped in festive party papers flanked the table.  Sister impressively created all… Read More

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