Better Behaved Than Animals?

As much as the thought of running multiple errands with the littles in the one hundred degree heat makes my skin crawl melt, it goes without saying that these harrowing trips cannot always be avoided.  One of said multiple errands was a pit stop in PetSmart.

Why PetSmart, you ask?  Oh, because our one lonesome pet, Ward the Fish, is always needing something.  A new pump when his started shooting water out the top (all over the hardwoods).  A new tank when his unexplainedly “exploded”.  New food when Cookie dumped the the entire container into his freshly cleaned tank.  And today, MORE new food after Cookie dumped the entire container of food purchased two weeks ago out into the bathtub.  Two notes here: 1) The PCP, supremely frustrated with the baby, took it upon himself to “secure” our newest container of food (it’s so secure, in fact, that it could be problematic for a responsible adult to get into the food…see pic below) and 2) I am mollified only by the fact the baby dumps out the cut-rate fish food rather than something much pricier, and also within reach, like my makeup or Bumble and Bumble.

Anyhoo… when we go to PetSmart, we make a bona fide field trip out of the novelty that is PetSmart, spending at least thirty minutes ogling various marsupials, pining to bring home our own rodent and salivating over legions of other peculiar creatures.  It’s like the zoo.  But free.  And, most importantly, air conditioned.

So, we go about our merry way and the littles are just fantastically behaved, if I do say so myself.  We purchase a brand new container of goldfish food and, as we’re walking away from the register (well, Cookie is kind of skip hopping), the cashier looks at him and disgustedly rolls her eyes.  SERIOUSLY?  This is the best my littles have been behaved in public since… um… probably ever!

And as I drove away from the PetSmart I told myself “surely my littles are better behaved than the ANIMALS people bring into that store.”

Aren’t they?!?!  :-)

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I nearly forgot to announce the winner of my first giveaway!  By the extremely scientific method of “John pick a number between one and thirteen,” and after first announcing “one hundred forty-six,” the PCP picked comment number FOUR! Congrats Mama Bug!  You have won  a signed copy of Clay Rice’s children’s book The Lonely Shadow!!!   Send me… Read More

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Memorial Day

Like many others, we spent our long first weekend of summer soaking up the sun while enjoying the company of friends and family. We kicked off the pool season with an ice cream social Thursday afternoon.  On Friday, Honey picked the PCP up early from his last day of preschool (boo-hoo) for a father-son round of… Read More

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Poor is the Nation that has no heroes,  but beggared is the Nation that has and forgets them.  – author unknown Today, and every day, I am thankful for the brave men and women that made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our great Nation.  God bless the U.S.A. Happy Memorial Day, y’all! xoxo Photo courtesy… Read More

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