Master’s Sunday

After a week of sunny Southern days, amazing azaleas and perfect pimento cheeses, the day on which that coveted green blazer is awarded has finally come.  As previously mentioned, I felt completely left out when the rest of my family, Bird included, traipsed across the state to spend a day at the tournament.  But as luck would have it, the one and only, ever so thoughtful Daddy-O didn’t leave Augusta empty handed.  He arrived on my door step with a smattering of the Master’s goodies I’ve been drooling over all week.

So to celebrate this sacred day (to Honey at least), I headed straight to the golf course in my back yard, past my azaleas and under my dogwoods, with my two green baggies and a sweet tea in hand.  There, I savored each bite of pimento cheese and egg salad and watched the golfers on the green.  Now, said golfers were mostly comprised of Honey’s high school hootenanny friends turned neighbors and club old timers, but they were golfers nonetheless.  And I plum enjoyed myself (until a mortified Honey came running out to inquire what on Earth I was doing just in time to snap this pic.)

Happy Masters Sunday y’all!


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Chevron Crush

I have a crush.  A chevron crush.  And not the Chevron of the corner gas station variety.  Rather, that sassy geometric pattern that’s been seen gracing everything from rugs to my newest Lilly dress. So last week I drew up a template, threw on some lipstick (because I knew it would go over better if… Read More

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Bee Boots

For years I thought the PCP’s affinity for his bee rain boots was an outlandish attraction unique to my free spirited and ever so strong willed first born.  He faithfully donned the darned things day after day, rain or shine, for all sorts of goings-ons. From trying out his new camp chair in the master… Read More

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mudpie Model

Sister, her mister and baby Bird are headed to Augusta for the Masters to watch a little golf, sip on Arnold Palmers, revel in the azaleas and dine on egg salad and pimento cheese.  To an amateur like myself, it would be number one day on my list of days to go.  It’s the fun… Read More

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Skinny Tea

Since the monsoons of last week have passed, we’ve enjoyed purely blissful days down South and I’ve traded in my pot of hot Paris tea in the morning for iced sweet teas or Arnold Palmers in the afternoon.  A sensational addition to the hours I’ve spent with the littles going hog wild riding bikes, digging… Read More

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