Reindeer Games {Free Printable Christmas Party Games}

We spent much of our Christmas Eve afternoon in a friendly, family competition of Reindeer Games! We paired off at random into five teams – 4 with an adult and a child and 1 with the last two adults.  Our only rule was that you couldn’t be with your own parent.  BUT… Daddy-O and I… Read More

Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt {Free Printable}

We love riding around in the car looking at Christmas lights.  When the boys were smaller we did a Polar Express night.  Now we put some hot chocolate in to-go cups, crank up Straight No Chaser or Pentatonix and hit the road without so much fanfare.  That beings said, we are a little competitive and… Read More

Deck the Halls 2017 {Holiday Home Tour}

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!!  If you’re joining me from the 12 Days of Holiday Homes hosted by 11 Magnolia Lane and Evolution of Style and sponsored by Lynch Creek Farm, welcome.  I’m delighted you’re here!  You can learn more about me and this little piece of the internet HERE. We’ve decked the… Read More

8th Annual Snowflake Breakfast: Elf on the Shelf Birthday Bash

Every year that this elf thing keeps going surprises me.  I’m pretty certain nobody here believes that Scout is Santa’s flying elf, but I know that everyone enjoys the fun and magic that comes along with the tradition.   After all, Scout is silly, tricky and has LOTS of treats. I had already talked with John… Read More

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