All I Want for Christmas is You… In Disney

I’m tying up all the Christmas loose ends over here in the waning days of 2016.  Y’all know how I love doing these video trip reports.  Here’s a quick one of our annual December long weekend between the boys’ birthdays… The music is by Straight No Chaser and is my new FAVE for Christmas music.… Read More

7th Annual Snowflake Breakfast: Elf Meets Mickey and a Birthday Bonus

He’s baaaaack!!!  Our friendly Elf on the Shelf Scout is back for his seventh season.  He tends to arrive with all the holiday pomp and circumstance, but one certain 11 year old thwarted his plans.  I wasn’t planning to have him arrive for another week, but the night before his birthday (no joke… at like 9PMish),… Read More

Around Atlanta {Historic Canton Tour of Homes}

I am super excited to put my sideline lacrosse cheering on hold for a day to attend the Historic Canton Tour of Homes next weekend! For those in the metro Atlanta area, the event runs October 21 & 22 and will showcase four private homes: the Jones-Morgan home, the Sparks-Sellers home, the Satterfield home and the Jones-Johnston home.… Read More

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