Magical Monday: Our Disney Dream Cruise GoPro

I’ve got another GoPro video for y’all today!!  This time it’s from our voyage on the Disney Dream with Mother, Daddy-O, Sister and her Mister, Bird and CeeCee from our first week of summer.  It was SO hard to cull all of the video and pictures from our week down into just a few minutes.… Read More

Magical Monday: Somewhere Over the Rainbow {Aulani + Hawaii}

To wrap up my little video series of our spring break trip, I’ve finally finished our magical week in Hawaii staying at Disney’s Aulani Resort. See my original GoPro post for details on our camera and such. So many incredible experiences left us with many magical memories.  It was a 40th birthday trip of a… Read More

Wanderlust: Hawaii Ohana {40×41}

I’ll conclude our incredibly wonderful vacation from Los Angeles to Disneyland to Hawaii with the “ohana” photos we had taken on the lagoon at Aulani. We scheduled a private portrait session with the Aulani Photopass photographers about a month ahead of time.  I looked into using other local photographers, but am so happy that I went… Read More