womp womp

Y’all the only way I can really describe this day is one big *womp womp*…

If you were thinking, “oh, she must have spent her morning at the Jeep collision center after someone rammed into her parked and unoccupied car at Publix while she was purchasing her Thanksgiving groceries with a three year old screaming “I want MONEY” at the top of his lungs”  then you’d be right!  *womp womp*

And, if you were thinking, “I know, she must have then spent an hour at Enterprise with two littles and nothing to do while they struggled to find her a car during the Thanksgiving rush” then you’d also be right.  *womp womp*  (That being said, I was the envy of all Enterprise customers when I tooled off in my “premium” red Chrystler 300.  If only I had any idea whatsoever all that was about…I am admittedly not a car person, yet the irony is not wasted on this gal.)

Finally, if you were thinking, “She must have promised her littles a trip to the bowling alley for their (mostly) good behavior and then gotten there to find out it was league night and no lanes were available until ten p.m.” then you’re absolutely right.  *womp womp*

They’re all very minor inconveniences in the grand scheme of things, but let’s face it, I had great plans for this week that didn’t include the hassle of a fender bender.  :-)

On a more positive note, Juju (Honey’s mama) took us out for Mexican and ice cream after our car shenanigans AND the baby’s big boy room was featured over at House of Turquoise today!!  Y’all know how I adore that blog!  Hop on over and check it out.

We’ll be taking the 300 on the big open roads tomorrow…cruising downtown to meet Honey for lunch!!

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