Deck the Halls 2017 {Living Room + Dining Room}

We are wrapping up the downstairs on my holiday home tour!  The living room is the one place where I put up a “styled” tree.  Honestly, I do it here because we don’t spend a lot of time in this room.  But, I still put up a tree in here to see it from the street and because it is the only room you can really see off of our entry.

The rest of the room just has a few little items like greenery on the sconces…

… and cocktail glasses on the bar.  I really meant “few” when I said it.  :-)

In the dining room I return to the reds, greens and traditional Christmas scheme.

All of the plaid linens were collected from Home Goods over the course of a couple of years.

I went super simple with the flowers this year, sticking to small hydrangeas and some greenery in a soup tureen.

I love using crystal, sterling and china in the dining room.  It’s not fun to clean, but I subscribe to the thought of why have it if you don’t use it.

The place cards were hand lettered by Natalie Chang and I use them frequently at family gatherings.

My favorite in this room is the nativity.  It’s one of the very first Christmas decorations I ever purchased, about 19 years ago.

I always wonder if people keep their dining room table set like this around the holidays or not.  Since I set mine so early for blog photos, we use it for the next Sunday supper and then I have to clean it up.  We obviously don’t have 10 at that meal – usually just the four of us.  But, I like to use the good stuff anyway.  I feel like if I left the table like this from before Thanksgiving until we actually had a big family Christmas meal that it would be so dusty that I’d have to clean everything again.  So, the table usually just has the centerpiece part – runners, flowers (that also spend time out on the porch since they love the cold), candles, etc.  The dinnerware is used once and then stored.

I cannot wait to share the boys bedrooms next on the tour!!!  Stay tuned!


Dixie Delights Deck the Halls 2017
overview  | snow covered  |  exterior + entry  |  kitchen  |  den + office
living + dining rooms  |  boy room  |  tween room
master + guest bedrooms  |  porch

Holiday DIY Video Series
How to Make Christmas Bows  |  How to Spruce Up a Basic Wreath
How to Make a Greenery Bouquet  |  Easy Flower Arranging Tips + Tricks
2 Ways to Tie the Perfect Bow

Other Holiday DIYs
2 Easy Ways to Hang Christmas Wreaths  |  Paper Bow DIY  |  Painted Lamp Shades  |  Remote Tree Switch    |  Reindeer Kid Art

All Holiday & Seasonal Decor  |  All things Christmas

Dixie Delights Shop

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12 thoughts on “Deck the Halls 2017 {Living Room + Dining Room}

  1. A hot cup of morning coffee and your Christmas tour always makes the day delightful! The details are exquisite and the beauty is timeless throughout your home. I’m looking forward to the “new” boy’s room!

    It’s official…I’m a ceritified fanatic of your blog because I’m over here wondering why the reindeer aren’t sporting their mink stoles! :-0

    1. Their rooms are so cute!!!! Haha. I literally can’t find them. I think the elf DID steal him. Right now he’s sleeping on my dining room table using monogrammed napkins as bed linens.

  2. i love it all and seeing your touch helps me get ready here at my home! :) I also love the photos of the boys on the wall. Did you take those or a photographer? Are they a painting or just blown up prints? And where did you get the frames? They are gorgeous! Thank you and Merry Christmas!!!!

    1. Thank you!! I had a photographer do them when they were 4. They are really just prints on canvas, not paintings. The frames were found at a store in Smyrna years ago. Merry Christmas!!

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