Hot Hot Hot Fireplace!

On the first chilly day after moving into our house two and a half years ago, I bee-lined to the fireplace to turn it on.  And nothing happened.  Nice gas fireplace they touted on the MLS listing, huh?

So, two winter’s later we finally got it all inspected and returned to working order.  I did the research on how much each phase of getting it up and running would cost: 1) figuring out what’s wrong with the gas since nothing happened when we turned the key and 2) getting the chimney inspected to ensure it was in good working order. We opted to go with the gas first, thinking that if it were really expensive to fix then we’d just abandon the process and wouldn’t have invested the money in a needless inspection of the chimney.  
When the gas man arrived he poked around and proclaimed that some thing was clogged with ashes, thus preventing the gas from making it into the fire box.  He carted the thing outside, dusted it off and announced it as good as new.  Here’s the conversation that followed…
Johnny: “Mam, are you going to keep burning real wood in here?”
Me: “No.  Why?  I’m going to be burning those fabulous gas logs, of course.”
Johnny: “Gas logs?”
Me: “Yes.  They are so nice that my sister has been trying to buy them from me.  But I knew I’d get this thing up and running one day.  She is so impressed by them that she hasn’t been able to buy any herself because she can’t find any as realistic as mine.”
Johnny: “Really!  Well, that would’ve been something if you’d sold your sister these old logs and told her they were gas logs.”
Me:  “Wait.  WHAT??  They aren’t gas logs?”
Johnny: *nearly rolling on the floor with laughter* “No, mam.  These are just good old fashioned wood.”
So, this project went the way that most projects go around these parts.  Twice the steps and double the budget.  A few short weeks later and my new gas logs arrived.  And a couple days after that I was *lucky* enough that the chimney inspector I’d previously scheduled to come out was also certified to install said gas logs.  For a price, of course.
With all that behind us, I’m pretty darn giddy to have it all in working order.  You know, for the two days we’ve had below 50 degrees.  :-)
And that’s the last project on the den to-do list!  I’ll snap some pictures and share it in it’s entirety super soon.

PS. I ordered the Real Fyre 24″ Split Oak Designer Plus vented log set with the G45 burner.  Daddy-O was instrumental in selecting this particular set and I must say they are extremely nice looking!  I also purchased the Real Fyre decorative acorns but am not really impressed with them.  They hardly show up.  I ordered both from Gas Log Guys.  Click here to see them.

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Man Day

Well ladies, Man Day has nearly concluded and it went just as swimmingly as ever (as far as the man around these parts is concerned.)  I woke up at the crack of dawn with the littles and tip-toed out of the bedroom so as not to wake his royal highness.  Forsaking our own obsession with… Read More

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Sock Hop

The PCP as been completely beside himself looking forward to the school’s family Sock Hop.  And it certainly lived up to his extraordinary expectations! We kicked off the evening with popcorn, Coke floats and confections from the sweets stand before really out-doing ourselves on The Varsity’s famous dogs and o-rings. And then we danced the… Read More

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Groundhog Day Treats

In this household, we exclusively subscribe to the psychic prophecies of our very own hometown groundhog, General Beau Lee, who boasts honorary doctorates (which really says something about the University of Georgia), various other distinctions, and most importantly a 94% accuracy rate (that designer imposter, strangely named “Punxsutawhatever” rodent up North manages barely 85%.)  And… Read More

Me, A to Z

A. age :: thirty five B. bed size :: king C. chore you hate :: unloading the dishwasher D. dogs :: None.  Though I know three boys that would like to change that stat. E. essential start to your day :: an ice cold co-cola F. favorite color :: PINK! G. gold or silver ::… Read More

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I Love {Alison Evans Coastal Ceramics}

Artist Alison Evans creates the most swoon-worthy, sea inspired ceramics.  Each unique piece is hand molded, hand glazed and totally gorgeous. After falling in love with bestie R‘s Alison Evans oyster plates, I started a collection of my own abalone and tortoise plates Christmas before last.  Since then, Honey has been a doll and slowly added to… Read More

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